Thursday, July 12, 2007

Ahhhhhhhhh,sweet tea!


I found this article on AOL news this morning and it made me long for a big glass!
We go to Tennessee alot and this stuff is available on every fast food and restaraunt menu from Kentucky on down.Seriously at Mcdonalds it's called "McSweet Tea"!! It's soooo yummy and chocked full of sugar,now I'm not big on sugar and I don't eat it much at all but this is one thing I will indulge in when we're there.
I grew up on sweet tea,as far back as I can remember my mom had a glass of it on the counter at all times and sipped it all day long.(now that I think about it with all that sugar in her system it's no wonder she never sat down for longer than a minute!)It wasn't any ordinary glass either,for this she had a cobalt blue etched goblet.Fancy tea deserves a fancy glass.
I remember seeing her make it too,she would dump the sugar in,never measured just kept dumping.It was so sweet it would make your head shiver but oh it was pure pleasure.
A few years ago I asked her if I could have one of her cobalt blue goblets and she gave it to me.That's right.I drink my iced tea out of it.I use some splenda sparingly and maybe some lemon.My system can't handle sweet tea daily but I still think of her with every sip.
Southern Sweet Tea

AOL news MAIN July 12 2007

Sweet or unsweet?

"If you've spent any time south of the Mason-Dixon line, this query is as familiar to you as "paper or plastic?", but the rest of the USA doesn't have a cotton pickin' clue what you're talking about. See, we may get all schmancy, blending decaf Royal Tiger Spice Baby Assam with cran-kiwi nectar and individually wrapped cubes of Albanian raw beet sugar, but this Yankee is willing to admit that y'all got something special goin' on when comes to iced tea.

Sweet Tea is a staple of restaurants and homes across the Southeastern United States; so prevalent that a guest has to specifically request 'unsweet" in order to get a brew that won't instantly candy their molars, and enough of a cultural institution that several Representatives in Georgia presented House Bill 819 requiring all food service establishments to serve it. Sure, it was quickly revealed as an April Fools Day prank, but it bespoke the region's reverence for the "champagne of the South".

So, just what IS this magical elixir? Essentially, it's bagged or loose orange pekoe (that's a grade of black) tea, that's brewed and blended with sugar while it's still hot. A lot of sugar. If you're making this for the first time and you think you've swirled in enough sugar – you haven't. Keep pouring. Then pour more. If your stirring spoon is threatening to stand up on its own, you may still need to add more. Have a Southerner sample it if you're not sure. They'll tell you to add MORE.

If it's served in a Southern home, there's a good chance it'll be in a tall, slim glass filled with ice, and accompanied by a long-handled iced tea spoon with which one can stir in, bless their heart, even more sweetener if so desired. Milk is unheard of, and lemon or mint – well, that's just being fancy, but if it makes the Yanks feel at home, then so be it. That's just good ol' Southern hospitality."

1 comment:

Paradise at last! said...

We have sweet tea everywhere you should come drink some ;-)