Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Sick in June

Well here it is the middle of June and I'm sick. My throat hurts,I have a terrible hacking cough and my whole body just aches. Only I could get sick in the midst of all this nice weather.It's HOT here right now but it's still soo nice.Sun shining,blue sky,just really beautiful outside.

I hate being sick,I hate not feeling like myself. Of course the whole house and everyone in it will go to pot till I can get well again. Ok then,off to drink some more "Wellness" tea! I think I downed about a gallon of it yesterday.All I can say is I feek YUCK and want to feel good again.(well,as good as I ever feel anyway)

1 comment:

Paradise at last! said...

Ok you are really good at this blogging thing.. But how do you add the cute pics to it, like the cup. THIS SITE IS HARDER THAN CAFE MOM