Sunday, August 12, 2007

Good Morning!

Well,the little stinker woke me up at 6 in the AM today so I've been up about for almost 3 hours now.I got the notion to make blueberry mufffins and it figures the rare occasion that I want to do that I find out someone has stolen my muffin pan.I seem to recall using it around Easter and now no sign of it.I do have this giant pan with little designs in the bottom that makes the muffins look like different flowers so I tried that.The pan is so big my measly batter only made 5 muffins but they smelled good and looked ok,I'll just have to split them all up amongst the kids somehow.
So after I took this pic of the muffins and downloaded it I noticed some suspicious photos on the my camera.It appears my 2 oldest decided to turn our basement into a casino last night.Here is the poker action that I missed.

Here he is with a rather odd look on his face,I think it has something to do with the tiny little amount of chips he has

Here would be her pile of chips

Obviously she kicked his b--- and thought it was an awesome photo op

Ok,while I definitely DO NOT condone gambling for my children I do find it amusing that she beat him so seriously and obviously took great pride in it!If you knew him and how he's always trying one up her at every turn this must be a real kick for her.
Well shoot,I guess all the excitement happens when I'm asleep.

1 comment:

Paradise at last! said...

That is too cute for words!